Chiropractic and Shoulder Pain

Yes, Chiropractic can help with Shoulder Pain!

Chiropractic helping Shoulder pain. Do you suffer from one or more of the following:

  • Painful shoulder when trying to move your arm?
  • Raising your arm to do certain activities, e.g. Hanging clothes on the line, Putting things in the overhead compartment or a shelf?
  • Weakness or struggle in pushing on one shoulder, e.g. Bench press, shoulder press?
  • Numbness and tingling in your arm?
  • Sharp or shooting pain in the elbows to your forearms and hands?

If so, then chiropractic may be able to help!

Shoulder pain is very common among adults. According to the 

Chiropractic may help your Shoulder Pain if...

  • You suffer from Neck pain and stiffness with your shoulder pain,
  • Loss of movement of your arm due to pain,  stiffness or both,
  • You’ve been diagnosed with:
    • Supraspinatus tendinitis,
    • Rotator cuff injury,
    • Bursitis, e.g. subacromial bursitis,
    • Frozen shoulder,
    • Tennis elbow

How can Chiropractic help with Shoulder Pain?

The chiropractors at Meadows Life Chiropractic Health & Wellness Centre can help to assess, diagnose and manage shoulder pain.

Assessment includes:

  • Getting a history of your shoulder pain, i.e. Frequency, severity, duration and character.
  • Physical examination: Range and quality of motion in your Neck and Shoulders,
  • Neurological assessment: Checking reflexes and sensation to the Neck, Shoulders and Arms,
  • Diagnostic imaging: x-rays/radiographic imaging of the Neck and the whole spine to determine the shape of the spine and health of the spinal bones and joints.
Your Chiropractor can then diagnose your shoulder pain and provide appropriate recommendations with:
  • Chiropractic care, applying gentle manipulations directed towards the shoulder and the spine,
  • Lifestyle modifications and education,
  • Workstation and ergonomic setup
  • Referral and co-management.

If you suffer from shoulder pain and would like to know if chiropractic can help, call our office on 9315 8888. We’re here to help.

Are you ready to make an appointment?

Our aim is to help you get the care you need. With a thorough examination on the first visit, we can find out if we can help you with chiropractic.

We will help you understand your condition and create a customised plan of care for you. Then once you’ve achieved the necessary improvements, we will advise on how to maintain these changes.

Call us today on 9315 8888 or click here to book online! We’re looking forward to hearing from you!


  1. van der Windt DAWM, Koes BW, De Jong BA, Bouter LM. Shoulder disorders in general practice: Incidence, patient characteristics, and management. Ann Rheum Dis. 1995;54(12):959–964. doi: 10.1136/ard.54.12.959.
  2. Luime JJ, Koes BW, Hendriksen IJM, Burdorf A, Verhagen AP, Miedema HS, Verhaar JA. Prevalence and incidence of shoulder pain in the general population: a systematic review. Scand J Rheumatol. 2004;33(2):73–81. doi: 10.1080/03009740310004667.

Addressing The Cause

Our intention at Meadows Life Chiropractic Health & Wellness Centre is to help you address the Cause of the Symptoms that you may present with. We look for and correct the underlying shifts in the spine that is responsible for these symptoms through chiropractic adjustments and providing appropriate advice on exercises and lifestyle changes.

Click on the conditions below to learn more.